Busy, busy, busy.

This time of year is usually a busy time of year. This year I’ve decided to make it even busier. Not intentionally of course, but…. It sure seemed like a good idea at the time.
Not only do I have my day job, which which is becoming a drama filled “do I have to” more and more each passing day, but I’ve decided to try my hand at craft fairs and the like. I love making things, and I’d really love to make a living off of making things, but I will never succeed if I don’t put more effort into it, so I am.
I am have a booth at the fall swap meet that is put on by a city near me this Saturday, and I am going to have a table at a craft fair on December 2nd.
Not only am I trying to make stuff to sell, but I am making the displays also. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the days lately for all of it.
I am both nervous and excited. This will be the first time I’ve done this on my own, and I’ve only done something like this twice before, both of which was sharing space with other people.
Here are a few pics of what I’ve gotten pics of.


Wall/room decor


Wall/room decor


Wall/room decor


Headbands on headband stands


Hat stands


Hat stands

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Filed under My creative whims

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