Let’s add more to my to do list

Still busy.
Participated in my first official craft fair! Made my money for the booth back, bought a Gold Canyon Candle from the booth next to me, and still left with profit. Not much, but enough to make it possitive.


Made a wedding prsent for my husband’s coworkers. They love it!


Preparing for my next craft fair this weekend and trying to finish up other projects.
Oh…. I got my Navy sons (the one on a ship) Christmas present done also.


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Filed under My creative whims

Busy, busy, busy.

This time of year is usually a busy time of year. This year I’ve decided to make it even busier. Not intentionally of course, but…. It sure seemed like a good idea at the time.
Not only do I have my day job, which which is becoming a drama filled “do I have to” more and more each passing day, but I’ve decided to try my hand at craft fairs and the like. I love making things, and I’d really love to make a living off of making things, but I will never succeed if I don’t put more effort into it, so I am.
I am have a booth at the fall swap meet that is put on by a city near me this Saturday, and I am going to have a table at a craft fair on December 2nd.
Not only am I trying to make stuff to sell, but I am making the displays also. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the days lately for all of it.
I am both nervous and excited. This will be the first time I’ve done this on my own, and I’ve only done something like this twice before, both of which was sharing space with other people.
Here are a few pics of what I’ve gotten pics of.


Wall/room decor


Wall/room decor


Wall/room decor


Headbands on headband stands


Hat stands


Hat stands

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Filed under My creative whims

It’s voting season….Uhg…

I hate voting season.

I know more about what a person, nominee, or politician has done wrong than what they’ve done right.

No matter who gets elected, they will not be perfect…. no human is…. But I am sick and tired of hearing all the bad mouthing of one opponent about the other.

Grow up.

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Ins and Outs

Read for inspiration.
Imagine without boundaries.
Write to inspire.

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I love it when a plan turns out better than expected

Recently, my daughter-in-law sent me a text. It was a picture of a bare wall that they have in their house that is the first wall you see when you walk in. In that text she requested “something spiffy” to go on that wall, and that it go along with the two pictures I did for the grand kids.

So I worked on that project this weekend. The entire weekend. of course, I can see where it could be improved on but I am very happy to say….. It turned out much better than I anticipated. It’s awesome! I only have a finishing touch or two and it is completely finished. (an edging around the outside of the frames would be nice, and clean)

Although it is their Christmas present, my son will be out to sea during that time so I am sending it early. Both so that he may see it, and so that he can hang it. Take a peek at the pics below. It was actually quite a bit of work, hadn’t realized how much until I was working on it, but it was so worth it!





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Filed under My creative whims

I’ve been meaning to get to that, but…

I currently have multiple things on my plate that I would like to get to, but for some reason, I don’t (like this blog for one). Isn’t that always the case?

I have things to finish, things to start, and things to say, but I seem to be tongue tied at the moment. So, I figured that something (even unorganized, unspecified ramblings) is better than nothing.

We had two deaths in the family recently, on the same day. On that same day we found a trapped, hurt kitten that has now become a healthy part of our family.

My youngest son, who struggles in school, has started online school again. It is going much better this year, but that is because I am sitting and working with him after work. Eventually he will be confident enough to do some of the stuff in his own, but in the meantime I am devoting my time to helping him understand it and be more comfortable with it.

I have a few craft things I have completed but are now sitting around collecting dust. Id like to get pictures of them to show off on here but….
I also need to finish working on a project for a friend for Christmas. I know, its not even October, but that’s why I start it now. That way it will get done in time. I also have had my daughter in law request a picture for their empty wall so I need to get started on that too. Especially since I have come up with a really good idea of what/how to do it.

And then today my son brought up cat toys. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner but I know have ribbon, feathers, and bells that would be perfect for making some kitten plaything concoction.

I have however, invited anyone & everyone I know to my birthday celebration/vacation to Laughlin in October on both Facebook and email. So far, my mother is going. As it stands right now, I will not be surprised if that’s all who goes since that is usually what happens.

BUT…. I have been in a good and productive mood all day (finally) and I intend to keep it that way so….

Another quote from inspirationalspark.com

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.”.  ~ author unknown

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Filed under Just rambling along

The negative & the positive

The negative about being anti-social is there are no friends to help you when you really need one. Like shopping for clothes for s funeral.

The positive side to this….if I win the lottery tonight, it won’t be very hard to shut people out.

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Filed under Just rambling along

I can see the stars

Bittersweet, short post today. My uncle passed away this afternoon. About the time he had passed away, I came across this quote….

“Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”

My uncle was a great man, but I do not believe his heart is (or was) big enough to take in all the love that the people I know (and don’t know but know him) have for him.
As much difficulty as I have with it at times, I do so very much hope he comes and visits me. It does make the grief and pain of the loss much easier to bear.

I will carry the memories I have, and the love in my heart for you… Always

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Filed under My life as I know it

Death becomes her


That picture is a phrase that is painted on a room in hospice. A room in which I have spent most of my day today.
It is where my mother’s boyfriend is currently residing. We were told today that it is quite likely that he will pass sometime this evening or tomorrow.

The hospice facility that he is in has phrases similar to that in most of the rooms throughout the property. It was very nice, to me at least, to see positive reminders of the lives we have lived with the people we love to help ease the pain of why we are actually there.

At the same time that I am at hospice sitting with my mother to try to comfort her in her time of need, I am also spending time on the phone with my aunt whose husband is in ICU and has been given a 50/50 chance of surviving the evining. I have been being my aunts ‘rock’ over the phone while trying to be my mother’s shoulder in person.
I am giving each of them support, and updates on each others other half. Its quite a trying time.

I am the strong, steady, and seemingly unemotional support in the face of death. I do not tremble, or cry, or give false hope when there is none to give. I see death as the relief it oftentimes is and tend seperate myself emotionally from it.

Today when I walked into that room, I saw death. I have been down this road before, but it does not make it any easier. Sometimes I avoid seeing people when they are this ill. It bothers me. Sometimes it doesn’t make you feel any better to see what’s coming.

I know I may be rambling. I know this post could probably use some editing. But it is late, i am over an hour away from my home, and at least my phone has auto correct so most of the words should be spelled correctly.
I am sleeping at my aunts, she is sleeping in ICU with her husband, and my mother is sleeping at hospice. I believe I have the better end of the sleeping arrangements.

I know it is a good thing that I can be a strong, solid support for those who need me during at time such as this, but I still have a difficult time. I am still confused as to why I get to see death so often. I still question why I get the dreams before death visits. I still wonder why I see death before me in their face.

Maybe I should rephrase that…..
I know the ‘how come’, I don’t know the ‘why me’.
Not exactly anyway.

It is a curse and it is a gift. I just have not figured out how to use it as a gift. I haven’t quite figured out how to get across the positive message to people when they are in so much pain from grief that I can’t help but feel it.

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Button Trees!

Before Guild Wars 2 takes over my computer (I haven’t had the joy of playing it yet but it looks good), I figured I’d take a minute to share my latest whims.

As I mentioned before, it is that time of year when the creative bug bites me and I find myself up to my ears in projects I want to do. Here’s a bit of what I’ve done. They are all made out of paper, glue, and buttons on either foam board or canvas. I am hoping to make googly eye trees soon for Halloween where I put googly eyes instead of buttons on somewhat more sinister trees. In the meantime… enjoy 🙂

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